苏宁易购(Suning.com)是苏宁云商旗下的B2C网站。是中国最受消费者欢迎和影响力的电器、3C、百货、图书、虚拟等商品的综合类电子商务网站之一。 Suning.com is the professional B2C Website of Suning Corporation. It's one of China's most influential e-commerce websites of electrical, computer, peripherals, books, virtual goods, etc. Specializing in online marteting.
51job.com is the leading recruitment website in China, with the most registered members (over 21 million), the largest resume database (over 14.5 million), and the highest peak traffic (over 30 million average daily page views). On average, there are over 800 thousands of effective job postings online, and approximately 10 million resumes are delivered to potential employers every week. 51job.com has received recognition from several industry watchers (e.g. CNNIC and PCHome) honoring 51job.com a
A networking tool to find connections to recommended job candidates, industry experts and business partners. Allows registered users to maintain a list of contact details of people they know and trust in business.
Douban.com is a multi-products web platform which generated based on life-and-culture oriented contents by users. The company was founded in March 2005. Douban had more than 68 million registered users and over 150 million monthly visit users as of March 2013.
中国人气最旺、最有价值的房地产专业网站,内容覆盖写字楼、别墅、商业地产、装修家居等,提供全面及时的房地产新闻资讯和各大城市的新房、二手房、租房、装修信息。www.focus.cn, a leading real estate website in China。Focus.cn is leading real estate website in China. The website attracts a more senior user group of homeowners with high income and real estate professionals.
"ICIBA" (www.iciba.com) is an online English learning community which provides services such as online dictionary, online translation and words reciting, it is one of the most popular English learning online communities in China.